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Post to the Early Notification System

The Early Notification System (ENS) exists so the city can distribute information about the City Council as well as other commissions, committees, departments, and boards, including neighborhood council boards. Interested members of the public can sign up on the ENS website to receive agendas for city meetings by email.

ENS is a valuable tool for the public to stay aware of what is happening in city government. It was prescribed in the same part of the City Charter that created Neighborhood Councils.1 It was further defined in the Plan for Neighborhood Councils.2

Finally, BONC policy requires all neighborhood council committees submit a copy of all agendas to to be posted through ENS.3

To submit your board agenda to be posted to ENS, email it as a PDF file to with the date and title of the meeting as the email subject.

  1. Los Angeles, CA, City Charter §907 

  2. Los Angeles, CA, Dept. of Neighborhood Empowerment, Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils Art. 8 

  3. “Neighborhood Councils shall submit a copy of all regular and special Board and Committee agendas to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (Department) to be posted through the Early Notification System (ENS). The agenda for regular meetings shall be submitted to the Department no less than 72 hours in advance and the agenda for special meetings shall be submitted to the Department not less than 24 hours in advance of the meeting.” BONC Policy No 2014-01.1