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Agenda Postscripts

Various laws and regulations require that certain notices are included on every neighborhood council agenda. Let’s see how we can use neighborhood council management system to makes sure that those are included every time we create an agenda for a neighborhood council meeting

Here I am at the Lake Wobegon party committee page.

If we scroll to the bottom, we can see, we have agenda postscripts. These are things that are added to the bottom of the agenda, as a postscript, after all the agenda items whenever you create an agenda as a PDF file.

We’re going to add a new postscript, “public access to records.”

This is one of the required notices that must be included on all neighborhood council agendas. For the content we’ll paste in some recommended content we got from the City Attorney’s office.

Create that agenda postscript. Here it is at the bottom and it will be included every time we create a agenda for a neighborhood council meeting.

And that’s how you use the neighborhood council management system to add postscript for required notices on your neighborhood council meeting agendas.